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Shrimp Ceviche

My love for ceviche is as strong as Kanye's love for Kanye. I was first introduced to this dish when I was a kid in Costa Rica and instantly fell in love with it. There's just something about it that reminds me of how beautiful natural ingredients are, and how they can bring together a super flavorful meal. If you're looking for your new go-to-summer recipe than look no further bb. I got you.

Ceviche is a popular dish in Latin America where fresh seafood is "cooked" in lime juice along with adding chilis, cilantro, onion, and other flavor options. It's a SUPER EASY RECIPE and is especially great during the summer months when you're looking for a light and refreshing dish to eat. For those who might not like shrimp or have a shellfish allergy, you can use other sashimi grade seafood as a substitution in this recipe. It's super important that it's sashimi grade, which means it's okay for raw consumption.

After mixing the shrimp into the lime juice it can take as little as 15 minutes to cook your shrimp, depending on how small of pieces that you cut the shrimp into. You'll know this is ready once it's lighter in color (almost pink). I like to put mine on top of a tostada shell, but you can easily scoop this meal up with tortilla chips if you prefer!


Get Started!

Prep Time: 15 Mins

Cook Time: 15 mins

Servings: 6 Servings


  • 2 lbs raw shrimp (peeled and deveined)

  • 1/2 red onion

  • 2 jalapeños

  • 2 avocados

  • 1 cups chopped cherry tomatoes

  • 4-5 thinly sliced radishes (half moons)

  • 1 chopped mango

  • 1 bunch chopped cilantro

  • Juice of 6 limes

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Corn Tortillas (or buy tostada shells)

  • Canola oil (for frying tortillas)


  1. Clean and chop raw shrimp as necessary - I needed to peel and devein mine prior to chopping. I chopped each shrimpy into about 3-4 pieces.

  2. Mix in lime and lemon juice.

  3. Add onion, jalapeños, cilantro, tomatoes, radishes, and mango into the bowl with the shrimp and mix in thoroughly.

  4. Let sit and cook for 15-20 minutes. If you think you need to add more citrus juice, feel free to squeeze in a little extra at this point.

  5. Continue to make your tostada shell (if you didn't buy them). Heat about 1 cup of canola oil on the stove top.

  6. Add corn tortilla to hot oil, when it becomes bubbly flip it. It should be a golden brown when it's ready to eat. Once done add to a towel lined plate to absorb oil.

  7. Once the shrimp is ready, add it to the tostada. Add a sliced avocadoo to the plate and garnish with cilantro.

XX Gab

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